Welcome to one of the most beautiful pages of the Gyrinus website: the page of the Spelcie!
What is the Spelcie?
We organize several games at Gyrinus Natans. At the beginning of the year, the Stef stuntpiloot tournament is very popular. In addition, we organize ‘Weerwolven’ during the dark days. We also organize the Casino Night. The cards will be shuffled, the chips will be counted and the roulette will be played. Around February it is time again for the Liftcie. This subcommittee organizes the hitchhike contest. You have to hitchhike to a location as quickly as possible (in teams). We
always have fantastic prizes for all winners. In order to organize all these activities, we meet once every three weeks.
Does the Spelcie suit you?
We are a nice committee and consist of 10 members. We all love games very much and we are also good at winning. Do you know THE activity we have to organize or do you know a place where to hitchhike, then the Spelcie suits you! You can sign up at the beginning of each year and you can always send an e-mail to ln.su1726051384niryg1726051384@eicl1726051384eps1726051384.
The Spelcie