Becoming a member

Are you interested in the faculty association Gyrinus natans and want to become a member? Our membership is only €10 a year. To become a member, an authorization form has to be filled out, which is shown below. Being a member has a lot of advantages. For example, you get discount on textbooks and laboratory coats, and on parties and activities organized by Gyrinus. On top of that, members receive the newsletter with information about the upcoming activities, twice a month.

  1. Fill in the authorization form.

If you’re using a mobile device, click here instead for a better user experience.

  1. Get the Gyrinus year sticker.

You can get one from the board (W&N building, room P-022). The VU Bookstore grants price reductions to students with this sticker.


When you want to unregister from Gyrinus, you have to mail to ln.su1728096219niryg1728096219@nedl1728096219emfa1728096219. You can unregister for the academic year 2021-2022 before the 1st of October 2021. Hereafter your membership will automatically be prolonged for the next year. Once you have unregistered from Gyrinus, you’ll receive a confirmation by email.

When you’ve signed up as a member but you don’t receive emails concerning the fee withdrawal or the General Member Meeting, you can sign up for the mailing list by sending an e-mail to ln.su1728096219niryg1728096219@sira1728096219terce1728096219s1728096219.