Welcome to the education page! Here you will find information regarding various aspects of your education, such as an overview of the minor and Master programs that are offered and where you can find answers to any educational questions you have. Please check out our other pages for more information.
Who, what where?
Gyrinus would always like to contribute to the improvement of students’ education. Therefore, the board of Gyrinus organizes weekly educational walk-in-sessions, every Wednesday from 12.45-13.30 in the Gyrinus room. Here you can share all of your complaints, comments or questions regarding your studies. The input of these sessions will be communicated upwards in order to make improvements to students’ education. We will always try to answer your questions immediately to the best of our abilities, or refer you to the right people who can help with your query.
Finally, you can contact us to ask a question at any time by email (ln.su1726045767niryg1726045767@sjiw1726045767redno1726045767).