Coral reefs are deteriorating in all areas where human activities are concentrated, due to increased coastal development, seawater pollution, as well as other human pressures. In addition to these stresses, corals are also under pressure from effects of climatic changes occurring at a larger, more global scale. Rising ocean temperatures and seawater acidification are two major factors predicted to negatively affect coral reefs globally. In this PhD thesis calcification in massive reef-building corals in the Thai-Malay Peninsula region (near the “coral triangle”, the centre of coral diversity in the world) were investigated. A significant decline in growth and calcification in these corals was found.
On the occasion of Jani Tanzil’s defense there will be a mini-symposium on the impact of climate change on the growth of corals and coral reefs. You are cordially invited to this mini-symposium.
- Datum: 10 December 2013, Dinsdag
- Tijd: 14:00-17:00
- Locatie: Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam, Room D1.162
- Taal: Engels
- Aanmelding: Stuur een email naar ln.av1726044803u@tim1726044803S.H.L1726044803.G1726044803
- Website:
- Programma:
- 14.00 – 15.00 Jani Tanzil (National University of Singapore), Environmental controls of coral growth: Data driven multi-scale analyses of rates and patterns of growth in massive Porites corals around the Thai-Malay Peninsula
- 15.00 – 16.00 Peter Todd (National University of Singapore), Phenotypic plasticity in coral reef invertebrates
- 16.00 – 17.00 Jaap Kaandorp (University of Amsterdam), Modelling and analysis of coral growth: automatic reconstruction of growth layers in three dimensional images of corals (and its problems)
- 17.00 Drinks in Common room C3.151